Should I take my shoes off? What should I bring to someone’s house the very first time I visit them? As a foreigner I don’t really know how people live in Frankfurt, and you know what else? I don’t really know too many people either, and I would really like to! Erik has been here longer but maybe he also has questions like those. He told me most of his friends are Latin Americans or speak Spanish, so there are still some things he curious about…
The Strangers in the house project is part of the Sommertour program of the Stadtlabor unterwegs this year and the historisches museum Frankfurt’s efforts to incorporate several perspectives of the city by different people. That way, people’s perspectives through our Latin American eyes will promote not only new and interesting views but also interaction among people and integration.
So to get in contact with people, learn about their stories and the many interesting things they can tell us about living in Frankfurt is the main goal of this transcultural visiting program and it fits perfectly my very own curiosity and eagerness to integrate into the city.
We already had some test experiences in Mainz and found out about how foundation memberships can help people with housing in Germany, how some people have specific family housing traditions, how German bathrooms can be beautiful, or they can have serious mold problems and how wine festivals and beauty contests can also be an interesting experience. So what else do Frankfurters have to tell us about their way of living through their own houses? If you feel like sharing with us and also having a taste of our culture and participating at a private exhibition in September, just get in touch with us at and let’s all be strangers in the house!
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